Caitlin Hinshelwood: Linked to Another

Caitlin Hinshelwood is a London based artist interested in the narrative possibilities of textiles: how textiles can be used to communicate, how they can act as repositories of personal or social history and how they can function within communities.  

Linked to Another presents banners exploring textiles power; the connections between the craft of textiles and resistance. Works draw on the role of textile making within solidarity and liberation movements; considering the networks we create through collective action, reflecting on how we gather to labour, and protest, with and for each other.  

Large-scale works, often in the form of banners, use motifs and symbols to suggest narratives or tell untold histories. Previous banners explored themes of resistance, community, camaraderie, visual communication, industrial folklore, and folk practices connected to historic textile industries and their communities, primarily in Northern England and Northern Ireland, highlighting the creative role of women within these themes.

New work presented for Linked to Another continues to explore the power of textiles; the connections between the craft of textiles and resistance. The works draw on the role of textile making within solidarity, liberation, and peace movements; considering the networks we create to one another through collective action, reflecting on how we gather to labour, and protest, with and for each other.