Geeta Khandelwal: Indian Miniature Costumes 1750–1950

Quilt-maker Geeta Khandelwal of Mumbai, India decided to recreate miniature versions of the costumes worn by the maharajas (princes) of the northern states of India. This collection of traditional garments, such as Angarakha, Jama, Chogha and Sherwani, showcases her dedication to preserving Indian culture and craftsmanship. 

Textile artist Geeta Khandelwal has meticulously recreated miniature ceremonial and everyday garments of the maharajas of India from 1750 to 1950. 

The virtue of a miniature is in its fine detail and excellent craftsmanship. Making such a tiny garment to scale needs a skilled hand and a sharp eye, plus a lot of patience. Many techniques are involved, such as patterns making, cutting, hand sewing, quilting, hemming, knob buttons, piping and sometimes adding embellishments. It may be considered as a minor, unnoticed needlecraft, yet it is worthy of attention and should not be ignored as an art form.